Goodenia purpurascens

Goodenia purpurascens

General information: It is described as an annual or short lived perennial herb that grows to 80 cm tall. It has a small purple flower. This plant is not generally used as an aquarium plant but has a period of submerged growth durings it life history. It is usually less than 30 cm while in its submerged state.

Cultivation notes : This plant was a little difficult in the aquarium until metal halide lights and CO2 fertilisation became common. It is cultured under 70% shade cloth in shallow water at Aquagreen. It is annual in its natural habitat where it usually grows in non permanent dry creek beds and on the edge of swamps and billabongs during the build up to the wet season. After the monsoon it is flooded then grows submerged for several months, flowering at the end of the wet season as the water recedes. It is a challenge for the experienced aquarist. It is grown from seed as well as leaf cuttings. A leaf cut near the petiole will produce roots and form a new plant. In the aquarium it should be considered a middle ground plant. The plant in the centre of the second photo with the long slender leaves is the Goodenia.

Distribution : It is found in New Guinea and tropical parts of NT, WA and Qld within Australia.

Selling details : Sold as an individual plant washed free of substrate.

Reference: Cowie, Short, Osterkamp Madsen (2000) "Floodplain Flora, a flora of the floodplain of the Northern Territory, Australia"